I have been a Teaching Assistant and Instructor for a number of courses during the course of my study at the University of Alabama.
  • Instructor CS200: Software Design and Engineering [Fall 2019, Spring 2020]. Teach Classes and Organize labs. Monitor and grade group projects. Guide students towards effective design principles when developing software and resolve conflicts among members in a group project.
  • Teaching Assistant CS 495: Capstone Projects [Fall 2018, Spring 2019]. Monitor, grade and supervise capstone projects for seniors. This also includes monitoring the project repositories, providing solutions and recommendations to students issues during all phases of the students projects, providing useful feedback on students grades and presentations.
  • Teaching Assistant CS101: CSII for Majors [Spring 2018, Spring 2019]. This course is an introduction to programming languages with a focus on C++. Duties include monitoring lab sessions, grading student projects and helping students to grasp the fundamentals of programming.

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